
Showing posts from April, 2014


Isn’t it funny how we women have a tendency of re- reading our past….especially past relationships. Not so long ago I was asking myself a lot of questions. I asked God so many God I thought that door was closed, how come I’m still hurting over what happened between me and these people. I had so much guilt; I felt I was not good enough. Then God began to minister to me. He whispered you thought u let go…actually u didn’t. I suppressed your emotions for so long. U didn’t let me in. You tried to do it by your own strength. Today it makes a lot of sense. God spoke to me and he said One I need to learn to trust and depend on me wholly. I need you learn to surrender each and every aspect of your life without holding back anything because I am your father. He said I love you….Through the storms I love you. God is the best teacher. He said One leave the past behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. Enlarge your tent. There is no reason to look back wh...

I know who God says I am Sinach at Christmas BY EYDELY WORSHIP CHANNEL
