
Showing posts from December, 2014


Growing up as a child, I was chubby, dark and to be honest I cared less. It’s only afterwards when people started making comments about my physical appearance that I felt like I was not good enough. I struggled massively with my self-esteem over the years. I am so embarrassed to mention that even when I was in varsity I struggled so much. I knew then that I had a problem and had to do something really fast before I break down. There is a lot of pressure from the culture we live in now. At times we feel like we are not god enough because we are so busy looking at other people’s lives. It is so pathetic and embarrassing that I sometimes allow myself to wander by allowing myself and Satan to torment me and lie to me….maybe I’m giving Satan way too much credit. At times it’s really my mind….. Some of the lies I feed me. 1.        Telling me that I am not beautiful 2.       That I would never amount to anything 3.        That I am the worst when it comes to relationships