
Showing posts from March, 2015


Are you tired of the devil attacking you? Are you tired of him messing with your money, your joy, your home, your family, etc? Are you tired of being oppressed, depressed, and repressed by him? Well then, LEAVE HIM ALONE! So many of us complain about how terrible things are going in our lives and how things seem to never get better, but then we make decisions that are demonic in nature and afterwards, complain about how the devil is attacking us. We must face the reality of it all sooner or later. When you mess with the devil, he will mess with you! There are things such as an addiction (drugs, alcohol, porn, sex, etc.) or there is a sinful person/relationship, or there is an emotional problem/issue that you might be battling. These things, if they are not dealt with, will always be the open door for the devil to have access to your lives and everything that you have. if he( Satan) can get into your stuff, he will al...


I have come to realize that it  doesn't  matter how long people have been in your life but how true and how good they can love you just the way you are. The truth is friends will come and go into your life. It is what it is. As you grow older like me (he he), you will be able to see the signs of a good friend and a bad friend. Don’t ignore the signs. You can tell if your friend is good or bad by their actions. Actions speak louder than words.  Its a traditional saying we all know! ME N MR H I’m pretty sure that we all have, in one way or the other had friends who were exhausting, destructive and toxic. I tell you the truth; it can be difficult to identify these people as some pretend for quite some time. BUT LIKE I SAID….DON ‘T IGNORE THE SIGNS. SIGNS OF A BAD FRIEND/BAD FRIENDS 1.       Self-centered. It’s always about that person 2.       That person will put you down deliberat...

Newsboys - God's Not Dead. LOVE LOVE THIS SONG.



Guess what…somehow we all have enemies somewhere. No matter how nice or kind you can be and no matter how saved and sanctified you are, there is always someone that doesn't like you or doesn't want to see you go somewhere in life. A person that is assigned to block you and stop your forward progress is your enemy. But do you know that your enemies are actually good for you? I know that sounds crazy right, but to understand it, you must first understand how God operates. It’s important to understand the mind of God.  The bible says that the Earth is God’s footstool. He says we are made in his likeness and image.HE IS LOVE. In the bible, the word "footstool" is referring to a place to rest your feet, or to "put your feet up" as we would say. And I know people that I would love to "step or stomp on" because of how bad they treated me! Don’t let people change you..because there is another way to view this scripture as well. We should love...