
Showing posts from October, 2016


Going to church is important. Its essential especially for newly converts. When you attend church you build your spiritual life by learning God's word and fellowship with other believers. The bible encourages us in Hebrews 10 to not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but encourage one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching. I hope you enjoyed church this past Sunday coz I sure did. May God teach you his word. He alone is your maker. Let your maker mold you.


That favorite pair of shoes that you've worn for years, the one that has supported you through the rainy days, and the one that you never want to throw out, the ones that reminds you of the events you attended and people you met. People have their own taste in shoes.   I personally take pride in my favorite pair of shoes; they help me stand out from others, they create a sense of individuality. I love my style. Find you, discover what makes you feel like a woman . Bottom line, we are unique and special in our own way. You are beautiful just the way you are.


Women who hit a certain age and are desperate to get married. Could this be true? I know a few people whose boyfriends broke up with them after about 6 months because they were already discussing and pushing marriage. All these women are anywhere from late 20's to early 30's. I understand women have biological clocks and everything and there’s a stigma (especially in Africa) to women who are single past a certain age. The problem is that if you push a guy to marry you, you are going to scare him off by trying to rush things too much. A guy may think that if you bring marriage that early, then you are desperate.  ABOVE: MY BEAUTIFUL HAPPILY MARRIED SISTERS I personally think that there should be no set age for one to get married. However, as a Christian, I am all for courting for like say 6 months to a year then marriage. I mean why wait for 3 years to marry someone. Why wait that long? The bible encourages us to honor God with our bodies. I applaud ...