Women who hit a certain
age and are desperate to get married. Could this be true?
I know a few
people whose boyfriends broke up with them after about 6 months because they
were already discussing and pushing marriage.
All these women are anywhere from late 20's to early 30's. I understand women have biological clocks and everything and there’s a stigma (especially in Africa) to women who are single past a certain age.
All these women are anywhere from late 20's to early 30's. I understand women have biological clocks and everything and there’s a stigma (especially in Africa) to women who are single past a certain age.
The problem is that if
you push a guy to marry you, you are going to scare him off by trying to rush
things too much. A guy may think that if you bring marriage that early, then you are desperate.
I personally think that
there should be no set age for one to get married. However, as a Christian, I
am all for courting for like say 6 months to a year then marriage. I mean why
wait for 3 years to marry someone. Why wait that long? The bible encourages us
to honor God with our bodies. I applaud all the young ladies who pursue purity.
May God strengthen you and give you more grace as you wait upon God for your Adams.
I heard something recently that one needs to be spiritual mature before settle down because u will be able to hear from God and have a relationship with will come easily if spiritual mature.these other elements (age,finance) do not add much value