I think that some people can't just help but speak,gossip and talk bad about other people's life, especially women. You gotta learn to respect other people's privacy. Stop meddling in what does not concern you. I recently got rebuked by God that hey One, you have so many things you gotta fix in your life now focus on your life first, must you always have something to say?, must your ears always have something to hear. I think we women need to discipline ourselves.
Before you start meddling in what does not concern you, ask your self if that thing is going to affect you in any way. Of late i have become oblivious and less interested in what others do . Not to say that i am not concern about their welfare. I am a christian and love for me is not a choice, its a command from God. But I had to come to terms with the fact that sometimes i need to back off and not be everywhere gossiping, talking nonsense.
One more thing that a lot of women do......they cannot keep a secret. If you happen to overhear something of note between two people that does not concern you, please let the matter stay between the people it concerns. The bottom line is don't let the devil use you to become a buzy body, putting more effort in finding what One is doing, whom is she dating, what car she drives, if her family has money or not. Focus on your self first before you go and become madam buzy.
Instead of always been a special advisor, give a listening ear, you will be surprised at the number of lives you care for.
You might be surprised
just how much you actually hear when you pay attention to what someone
is saying. Most people just want someone to understand them and support
them no matter what they decide. Sometimes we need to mind our own
spiritual business when it comes to our own lives and accept the lessons
challenges may bring us.
Read more: kempiredaily.com/kempism-mind-your-own-spiritual-business | KempireDaily.com (@KempireDaily)
Read more: kempiredaily.com/kempism-mind-your-own-spiritual-business | KempireDaily.com (@KempireDaily)
You might be surprised
just how much you actually hear when you pay attention to what someone
is saying. Most people just want someone to understand them and support
them no matter what they decide. Sometimes we need to mind our own
spiritual business when it comes to our own lives and accept the lessons
Read more: kempiredaily.com/kempism-mind-your-own-spiritual-business | KempireDaily.com (@KempireDaily)
Read more: kempiredaily.com/kempism-mind-your-own-spiritual-business | KempireDaily.com (@KempireDaily)
You might be surprised
just how much you actually hear when you pay attention to what someone
is saying. Most people just want someone to understand them and support
them no matter what they decide. Sometimes we need to mind our own
spiritual business when it comes to our own lives and accept the lessons
Read more: kempiredaily.com/kempism-mind-your-own-spiritual-business | KempireDaily.com (@KempireDaily
Read more: kempiredaily.com/kempism-mind-your-own-spiritual-business | KempireDaily.com (@KempireDaily
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