You give birth to what and who you are. It is so true......birds of the same feathers flock together. If you are a drama queen, you will attract drama queens. If you are one of those girls who like opening their mouths and act all cheap...check your friends, you are like them. What I am saying is that you draw like minded people to you because they are like you. If your friends are carnal minded, chances are that you are carnal too.
Recently God has been rebuking me, ministering to me to understand humility and wisdom. We need wisdom from God to handle different people with different personalities and we also need wisdom to discern whom to let into our lives and whom not to. We ought to know that the people you let into your life have an influence one way or the other in so many aspects of your life. We tent to influence other people by our actions and not by our words. That is why people think christins are pretenders. We say this and do the opposite...but bare with us hey, we are sick, we are not perfect. The bible says that it is the sick who needs a doctor. Christians are sick and their doctor is Jesus.I am not saying that we given a free passport to sin and justify our actions, we try by his grace....well um not about to preach hehe!
I told myself that I am better off with a few friends than a multitude of friends who could cause me to lose my soul. I am running a race to go to heaven after fulfilling the very purpose that God has called me to do. The bible says that we should not be deceived, bad company ruins good morals. Moreover proverbs 13 v 20 says that whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.
Its not wrong to have a few friends. I personally have a few friends but below is a list of characteristics that most of my friends possess:
1. They are beautiful hahaha
2. They are God fearing
3. They are modest
4. They have good morals
5. They are friendly and I am grateful for them because the bible says that a man who has friends must himself be friendly but there is a friend who sticks close than a brother.
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