Regardless of their magnitude, disappointments can be painful. Bitter memories they bring hey. I personally have been through disappointments a lot of times. Growing spiritually I had to have my heart broken, betrayals and all sorts of things you can think of. My first boyfriend grew closer with some gal, neglected me  and ended up liking her. The thought of him neglecting me, giving this gal attention gosh... it hurt me so badly. I felt betrayed. I must say I believed him when he said nothing happened between them. In the mist of the emotional toll I was going through,  I met some guy, for the sake of this lets call him C.tee. He was very kind, comforted me and made me believe that hey there was someone somewhere whose gonna love me back. I kinda for a moment forgot about my now ex whom I shed tears for. After some time I ended up with him ( C.tee). I didn't care who said what to me. I was determnined to make it work so much that now when I think about the decisions I made.....I really shouldn't have. I believe that you have a choice of whom to allow in your life and whom not to. I gave myself away so much that when I look back all I see now is foolishness, obsession and stupidity. I allowed my emotions to control me. I literally went to extend of giving away the little money I had to a guy who treated me like a fool. Because  come to think of it i was then. Disappointment number 2 hit me hehehehe!


1. Learn from your past and learn to let go of it
Dissapointments can somehow help build your character and patience. I had a bad attitude especially towards my christian friends who tried to adverise me and guide me biblically. I had to get hurt and disappointed  for me to learn to respect them as my friends. If I was them I would say" I told you so" but they won't because they are really great people. One way of dealing with dissapointment is to let go of and let God take full control of the situation. Easier said than done but it really works. Think positively and surround your self with positive people who love you. People who won't judge you. Let it go and believe me you will win more with Grace and trusting God to heal you, to embrace you and open a new chapter for you.

2. Grow closer with God.
I know some people think Agg its  sexually  related issues, this gal has never been disapointed. It is painful to trust someone and tomorrow they let you down. Make God your best friend. Friendship with God helped me in so many ways. It sustained me over amidst criticism from friends and adversaries. It makes a lot of sense now that my pastor told me to trust God to heal me and bring me to a place where I will be secure in him, where my confidence will be in him and not in men, to a place where my fulness, my joy will be in him and so is my strength. I became closer to God. I meditated upon the word. I remember i would mark my bible with a marking pen. I had too many encounters with my father. The pain gradually started going. I am not going to lie to you...I actually feel much better, motivated, inspired, confident and I look forward to the many blessings that God has given and is going to give to me including a fiancee. A man after God's own heart. In the fullness of shall be well.

3. Build friendships.

Keeping a good company of people helped me to stay focused. If you shut your friends like I did, you probably slow down the process of healing and letting go of the disappointment. Surround yourself with positive people, positive energy and vibe.  

The grace of God empowers us to do that which we cannot do on our own. You can never overcome without the holy spirit's help. Apart from God you can do nothing. I have to admit it took a lot of effort and willingness from my side to get over the disappointment.

Repent and ask God to give you streghth to let go and not stuff disaapointments. Dont let hatred build in you. Praise God for every dissapointment you came across. My dear it was the begginign of something great ahead of you.



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