Precepts of men are not strong
enough. You must learn God and learn to preach the gospel from him (he is our
teacher and Shepard). I used to go to church and to tell you the truth I was
not myself. A lot of Christians and are still trapped in that religious
eggshell, where they go to church and they try to act holy because they do not
understand what holiness means.
What is the first thing that pops
in your mind when I ask you what holiness is. Most of us think that holiness is
been morally upright, been sinless and blameless. Then let me ask you something….what
is Righteousness?
You see God is distinct and
sacred, there is no one like our God.. He is not sinful, he is above everything. God’s nature is the expression of his
holiness. It is beyond our compression ……it’s his perfection. Is there any
human being like our God? Is there anyone so perfect like our God?
Holiness is been set apart, been distinct
and abiding in God. It’s important for us to understand that we are human and
acknowledge that we need God. We need to
understand that we are sinners and come before his throne of grace to obtain
mercy on a daily basis. We need to stop acting like we got it with God….acting
like we are blameless and spotless. We need to stop caring less about people’s
opinions and care more about WHAT GOD SAYS. We can understand what God requires
from us by studying his word and communing with him on a daily basis. I have
mustered the power of repentance. Before
I sleep I always ask God to forgive me of all my sins and teach me to be more
like him.
My point is strive by the grace of God to be set apart and
not try to blend in. …Be unique for the kingdom of God.
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