To really love others, you must first embrace who God made you! So, what did God create you to be? That's the question that could change your life once you answer it. Are you happy with yourself? Well, your happiness with who you are is what your love will be based on. Some people spend their entire lives trying to be happy by pleasing others because they don't like who they are. They waste away day after day, seeking the approval of their family, friends, etc. because they have not approved of themselves. But if you can ever get a grip on who you are in Christ and what God thinks of you, you will be able to love how God made you and successfully love others.

God made you, so he understands what he put into you. You will never truly understand what's in you and who you are until God reveals it to you. But if you do not know who you are in him, you cannot love who he made you to be and thus, you cannot love others. Then your love for others will only be a substitute for what you do not like about yourself! That's why it hurts to love others in this state. You must first learn to embrace who God made you to be. This comes by finding yourself in God. We must learn that the reason we don't feel good about ourselves is because we have allowed people, life in general, and circumstances to define us. But you must realize that you are not what you do! You are not what you have! You are not what you see! You are not what you've heard. You are what God made you, plain and simple. And if you want to know who you are, you need to read what the word says about you. God made you and gave you what he wanted you to have. Once you tap into that, you will find it easy to embrace who you are. And most importantly, you will be able to show real love toward others.


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