Would you say closure is needed to forgive? First and foremost lets define closure. Closure is an act or a process of closing something Do I think closure is needed in order for the process of forgiveness to take place. No, I don't. Forgiveness is a personal matter. If you don't forgive, you allow yourself to be angry, bitter and resentful towards another person. The thing about forgiveness is that you the one who suffers and the person probably does not think about you no more. The question is ; do you care so much about yourself? If you do then you need to realize that no one is perfect, your ex is not perfect and either are you. You need to understand that everyone has been in a relationship and got hurt. You need to leave it in the past and learn from it. I personally think that people who want closure use that as an excuse to meet their exes. I realized that back then when I longed to talk to my ex, I would tell myself man.... I need closure. I needed so badly ...