Can I tell someone that I am fasting?

Often at times I hear people say; “Oh, I don’t want to be distracted, I am fasting. Usually, the question of whether one can tell the other that they are fasting is raised in light of Matthew 6: 16 -18.

Matthew 6: 16-18; "When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.

I think that Jesus is teaching us to be disciplined not to be like hypocrites. Christianity is not a religion, it’s a relationship with God. It’s a lifestyle that one must learn one step at time and embrace with love. Christianity is not supposed to drain you in any way. If you are weary, ask God to help you, to strengthen you.

Back to the question, Can I tell someone that I am fasting?

I think it’s important for one to understand that as a Christian, you need to do what you do give all the glory to God. Don’t act to be praised by people. Remember that God looks not at the outside appearance but our motives, our hearts. That why the bible says out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
When you are fasting or doing anything for God, don’t make yourself the center of attraction in his name.

God is teaching us to take care of our outside appearance when fasting. Don’t put on a gloomy face so that you will be noticed by others that you are fasting.  Wash up, dress nicely, put on that smile and hear the voice of God. I personally don’t see the point of telling people that you are fasting. For what? That they may think you are religious? I really don’t know. But like I said earlier, God looks at our hearts, your motives are very important to God
Don't be entangled in legalistic rules when it comes to exercising your faith in Jesus Christ. 


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