
Showing posts from June, 2016


You probably have heard this over and over that we must drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. I personally drink 2 liters of water a day . I definitely noticed some positive changes in my body since I started drinking lots of water. ·          I lost weight and I actually look and feel more confident. I noticed that when I drink lots of water, I don’t get hungry frequently. Indirectly, water helped me to control calories. ·     My skin looks amazing guys. I’m not bragging. I don’t wear makeup everyday anymore. I have nothing against make up though. ·          My bowel function has become more regulated. I no longer get bloated.  How much water should you drink though? Like they always say, too much of anything is bad. I used the hydration calculator to help me determine how much water I should drink. Check it out If you don’t already drink lots of water, you really should start now. 




We should choose to speak to speak positive and excellent things. The bibles says that the power of life and death in the tongue. I have learnt to search my heart, to examine myself. I have observed that whenever my relationship with God is not healthy I become negative. The truth is our words affect us and the people around us. Words are powerful. God spoke things into existence. Our words can also affect what God is able to do for us. The thing is that for one to have a positive life, one must have a positive mouth. Even in our darkest days, in the midst of trials and tribulations, we must keep on declaring good things.  We must keep our tongues from speaking evil. SPEAK LIFE!!! SPEAK LIFE!!! From today, I chose to change my life for good. I choose to speak positively, I choose to speak of noble, worthy and important things. I choose to be the salt and the light. I choose to be happy. Lastly, if the people around you always speak negatively, I suggest that you