First and foremost, dating/courting is about deciding if the
person you are seeing is good enough for you the long run. Don’t ignore the signs.
Doesn’t take you out to eat; A man who truly loves
you will always be looking for new ways to make you happy and to make your life
easier, and eating is a big one, since we all have to eat. If he does not take
you out to eat and you enjoy it, talk to him. Some guys are homebodies, they
are not into eating out.
Borrows money from you; It sounds harsh, but it is much easier to
respect people who can pull themselves out of a tight situation, and do
something about their lives. Money problems should not arise while simply
dating, I mean what if you guys get married. A ring does not change one’s
habits. If he is always asking you for money, my sister I suggest that you
start praying. I am not saying don’t help him out, but if it’s a consistent
habit for example, if say on the 15th of each month he is broke and
cannot account for his salary then he has money problems that the both of you
must sit down and talk about.
Does not make you feel good:
I once dated a guy that I felt was indirectly bringing my self-esteem down. To
be honest with you, I thought he loved me. If you don't feel like the smartest and most
beautiful woman in his presence, then he just isn't for you. If he compares you
to his ex, my sister it’s not worth it. You are enough. You are beautiful and you deserve to be told that in words and in actions. Know your worth. A man who loves you will bring out the best of you. Again, love yourself first before getting into a relationship. Find true joy from within.
He does not listen: If he cares about you, he would want to hear
your thoughts, opinions, goals, and dreams. If you feel neglected and you feel
like he pays more attention to his friends, talk to him and pray.
Lastly, dating/courting is about deciding if the person you are
seeing is good enough for the long run. Don’t ignore the signs.
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