At times I wake up and I feel so
messed up and angry with life, with myself and how things are going. At times I
feel like not living u know what mean...
Growing up is not easy, but I thank God I am born again. I
have decided to follow him and lean not on my own understanding.
A very important gift from God is peace. Remember that the bible says that God gives us peace
that surpasses all understanding. We
often get caught up in crying over our problems that we tend to forget about
Peace. We want to remember love, joy and all the good things that the Holy
Spirit grants us.
I realized that most of us struggle too much
without peace in our lives.
What is Peace?
It is basically the calmness we have in
God. The confidence that he is in control and your present state is not
your end. Peace is not just a feeling, but it's a state of mind. You get
good sleep when there is peace. You don't struggle in your mind and spirit
over things when there is peace. When God's peace is active, you know that
you are not in control.
When you are in control, there is no peace. When you get
behind the steering wheel of your life and begin to drive based on what
you feel, see, and know, you forfeit peace. You need to let Jesus take the
wheel. Remember Carrie Underwood’s song…Jesus take the wheel.
God's peace only comes when he directs you. When you accept
what he is doing in your life and you find contentment in that. When you
step away from that and pursue your own direction or self-fulfillment, you
get from under the umbrella of peace and start feeling worried, or uneasy.
Things get unsure and uncertain.
That is very true. Its so easy to fall down and cry when we know we serve a mighty God.....