Money problems can be
huge issue in relationships. I have
always wondered what other people think about a boyfriend asking for money from
his gal. Would you do it? Would you give your guy money? Would you borrow money
from your girl?
Well... I don’t
have a problem with my boyfriend asking for money from me. However, if he takes
it too far, if I notice a trend or a pattern whereby on a particular date he asks
for money, then I will question him.
I always tell myself
that no condition is permanent. If my man asks for money today, it doesn't mean
that it will remain that way forever. Things happen. You never know what’s
going to happen in the next 20 years. A guy you look down on because he is a
guard officer might be the next billionaire.
NB: Its 2015, guys can
be gold diggers too. Just be careful. Don’t be naive.