To honor God is to glorify him for who he really is. God is my creator, my father, my best friend, my strength, my hiding place, my healer, my redeemer, my joy. I glorify him and honor him not because of what he has done for me but because of who he is. He says that the earth is his footstool. He is excellent, he is great, he is awesome. 

I want to encourage someone somewhere to give God a chance. Open your heart and receive Jesus in your Heart. Is very simple to accept Jesus as your Lord and personal saver; 

I want to encourage someone somewhere to give God a chance. Open your heart and receive Jesus in your Heart. Is very simple to accept Jesus as your Lord and personal saver. Pray this prayer below;

Father I come humble myself before you
 I here and now repent for my sins, and believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 
I believe that Christ died for me, as my substitute, and rose from the dead according to the Scriptures. 
Thank you God, for sending Your Son, and paying my debt in full. 
Even though I was separated from You by my sins, You saw me helpless, and fallen, and loved me enough to die for me.
I believe that Jesus suffered the penalty of my sins, and paid the full price to clear my debt. 
Your Word declares that His Precious Blood, sinless and Divine, pays for all of my sins.
Because He suffered my penalty, I am now free. 
No sin remains to condemn me. I'm no longer guilty before You.
I believe the good news of the Cross, and Your promise that 
"Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Acts 2:21)
I ask Your forgiveness, and I now receive Jesus Christ into my life as my Savior.
Today, I accept Your gift of love, mercy, peace and eternal life.
I declare by faith that Jesus Christ now lives in me.
I am a new creation in Christ, born of God with the life of Jesus in me.
I trust the blood of Christ blots out every sin from my life. My record is clean by Your mercy.
According to Your Word, I am now forgiven, I am now saved.


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