
Showing posts from October, 2013


  I think that some people can't just help but speak,gossip and talk bad about other people's life, especially women. You gotta learn to respect other people's privacy. Stop meddling in what does not concern you. I recently got rebuked by God that hey One, you have so many things you gotta fix in your life now focus on your life first, must you always have something to say?, must your ears always have something to hear. I think we women need to discipline ourselves.  Before you start meddling in what does not concern you, ask your self if that thing is going to affect you in any way.  Of late i have become oblivious and less interested in what others do . Not to say that i am not concern about their welfare. I am a christian and love for me is not a choice, its a command from God. But I had to come to terms with the fact that sometimes i need to back off and not be everywhere gossiping, talking nonsense. One more thing that a lot of women do......they canno...


If you are a christian you should probably take 5 minutes of your time to read what i think. I have personally went through a few challenges here and there to get to where I am today. I got mislead by friends, by guys and people's opinions. You need to learn to hear the VOICE OF GOD and not the voices of the below listed. Flesh Devil Parents Friends Movies Circumstances Your own will When you walk with God you Must make the bible your best friend. The  bible says that in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. If you want to know God personally and hear his voice, please read the bible. The word of God will guide you. Commune with him on a daily basis. He is our father and he really cares for us. BE BLESSED!


 I personally think that living together before marriage is a bad idea. I mean given where I am coming from. I am a christian and call me old fashioned i really value God's principles and i try by his grace walk according to his will. I am not saying I am  perfect nor holy.  From a Christian perspective, living together can be a temptation. Nevertheless, it depends on your mental fortitude. This is why i think it is bad.  1. Hebrews 13:14 Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.  There are certain things you should know about each other, but you don't have to live together for that. I mean you can ask each other, get to know each other, find out both of you have similar values and beliefs without staying together. My mum likes saying that you cannnot buy a cow if you getting free milk from it everyday. When you live with a guy you some...

Ex Factor; Does your ex want you back? Watch and Learn



I remember  back in 2007 when i was doing first year at some university somewhere in Asia. I  was chubby. I mean very chubby. I weighed about 85 kg. It affected me in so many ways, MOST of all it affected my self esteem. I hated the way i looked, i was jealous of my friend. For the sake of this we will call her Ms. Nd. I felt horrible. Then i listened to Joyce Meyer's sermon. Can't really remember its title but i remember her saying that; " if you hate the way you look, you better stop talking about it and do something" I had to change my food intake, i started drinking lots of water and even prayed for God to see me through. I mean God said that our bodies are his temple....we gotta look after them and that includes eating healthy.  He heard my humble cry. SEE FOR YOUR SELF!  ME IN 2007  ME NOW....2013 BENEFITS OF WEIGHT LOSS It can reduce your risk of some potential serious health problems like stroke, heart attach, depression,inferti...


People have prayed selfishly for years, desiring God to do this for them and that for them, while ignoring God's truth and His way. When we do this, we shut off our discernment in the process. Living outside of God's will while claiming to be a believer of His will creates a person that can't receive truth. Once this occurs, we have to create a personal Jesus that caters to our desires instead of His will. Then when truth comes, we cannot receive it because it doesn't agree with our "spirit". This is because we have accepted the spirit of Error according to the word. This is where most Christians reside and why the church has fallen into apostasy. We must get back to where we can receive truth again. We must get back to the place where God's word is right no matter who is wrong! We must get filled with the Holy Ghost/Spirit of Truth so that we can discern the deception of our world and prepare for the testing that 2013 will bring. 1John 4:6 We are of God...

Victors crown_ I LOVE THIS SONG. We are overcomers



If you do not now yourself, then you will be forced to live according to other people's opinions of you. Knowing your self is very important in this life we live. You cannot walk in the blessings of God if you live to please other people. Know yourself. Know whom you living for_ God, no body else. So tell me, why u trying to please people? compromising your standards to fit in. LADIES, STOP COMPARING YOURSELVES TO OTHERS. U ARE BEAUTIFUL JUST THE WAY YOU ARE. YOU ARE  UNIQUE......KNOW YOUR SELF.
ARE YOU HOLDING A GRUDGE? Ask yourself the below questions; 1. Does this person get on your nerves? 2. Does this person annoy you, even when they are being kind to you? 3. Do you spend a lot of time thinking about this person? 4. Do you spend a lot of time thinking about things this person did to you? 5. Has any of your close friends spoken to you to forgive this person? 6. Do you spend too much time rehearsing what this person did to you? 7. Do you resent this person for what they did? You need to understand that we are different. We are have our weaknesses. Patience must have her perfect work in order for us to understand others. Holding a grudge will hinder you in so many ways and waste your time. it challenges our patience and it somehow forfeits our blessings. If we cannot forgive others, we cannot pray effectively. And if we cannot pray effectively then how are we going to hear from God. We will miss our blessings My dear, don't hold a grudge, let go of what that...