
Showing posts from November, 2013


Its not easy been a christian....nobody said it was going to be easy. We are on planet earth and as long as we are here...we have to work to feed ourselves, we meet people with different personalities, we get tempted and tried, we face so many challenges. But don't lose hope in God. He is God in every circumstance you are going through. He knows your name. When I was a baby christian, at times I felt like quitting. I had to go through so many challenges to realize that God does not change his love for me when I go through challenges and trials. He is merely testing my faith. We have to learn to stand for what we body is perfect. Believe me you will get misunderstood, belittled, betrayed and hurt broken. Your boyfriend might dump you for someone else...maybe your best friend. Then you get to ask yourself if you not good enough, what you could have done to save that relationship.  BACK TO THE SUBJECT. 1. Learn to read the bible daily and ask the Holy Spirit ...

Give Me You - Shana Wilson. Tuneeeee!!!!!


Nathaniel Bassey feat. Enitan Adaba - Imela. (Thank You)


Say "NO" to Bad Boys....i love Toke.



You give birth to what and who you are. It is so true......birds of the same feathers flock together. If you are a drama queen, you will attract drama queens. If you are one of those girls who like opening their mouths and act all cheap...check your friends, you are like them. What I am saying is that you draw like minded people to you because they are like you. If your friends are carnal minded, chances are that you are carnal too.  Recently God has been rebuking me, ministering to me to understand humility and wisdom. We need wisdom from God to handle different people with different personalities and we also need wisdom to discern whom to let into our lives and whom not to. We ought to know that the people you let into your life have an influence one way or the other in so many aspects of your life. We tent to influence other people by our actions and not by our words. That is why people think christins are pretenders. We say this and do the opposite...but bare with us hey,...


 Do you expect and expensive ring from the guy who wants to marry you? Do see a need to put on a one million dollar ring?  I personally think that there is no need whatsoever for an expensive ring. I know that it is something that I am going to put on everyday for the rest on my life but I really have to ask for a million dollar ring. Material items are worthless. I mean if he loves me yeah he would go a bit higher than what he can afford, not a lot but just a little.  I was raised in a family who always had enough to cover my needs and important stuff. I love fancy stuff yep...but um not gonna demand an expensive ring because I know that expensive stuff costs a lot. I personally think that it would be best to have a discussion of how much money the both of you have before buying such an expensive thing. By the way who ever said that rings are a symbol of commitment. I don't think that engagement rings are a symbol of love and devotion. Guy please...


I had his initials written in my heart. I loved him, yes I was obsessed with him. I told myself that I would do anything for him because I assumed he would do the same for me. I trusted him with my life. I lost my self. My friends told me he was gonna hurt me but I told myself I wasn't gonna walk away. I fell in love with him.....but he was never into me. He presented like he was. All he wanted was a re- bound, a girl he was gonna use to get over his ex girlfriend now girlfriend. When I remember the hurt I literally allowed myself to go through, I would do anything to let other women know that we are responsible for our lives.  Don't try to find fulfillment in a man.Be content with whom you are first. When you want something so passionately that's all that matters and you don't care who gets hurts. It began out of curiously and yes curiosity killed me. The first few months were interesting ( new love he he!). We would go out often, take drives to the beach, g...

Unfriendly Friends....I love Toke



 Regardless of their magnitude, disappointments can be painful. Bitter memories they bring hey. I personally have been through disappointments a lot of times. Growing spiritually I had to have my heart broken, betrayals and all sorts of things you can think of. My first boyfriend grew closer with some gal, neglected me  and ended up liking her. The thought of him neglecting me, giving this gal attention gosh... it hurt me so badly. I felt betrayed. I must say I believed him when he said nothing happened between them. In the mist of the emotional toll I was going through,  I met some guy, for the sake of this lets call him C.tee. He was very kind, comforted me and made me believe that hey there was someone somewhere whose gonna love me back. I kinda for a moment forgot about my now ex whom I shed tears for. After some time I ended up with him ( C.tee). I didn't care who said what to me. I was determnined to make it work so much that now when I think about the decisions I m...